★★ 2.0 out of 5 stars
Not worth reading
October 7, 2020 KM Lee

Did not care for this book, dull!

2.0 out of 5 stars
Not my cup of tea
January 20, 2020 Maryalice

I hate giving bad reviews. But this book was too detailed about things that didn't matter and seems to be more a political statement than a.philosophical one. Certainly it was not the entertaining murder mystery that I expected.

2.0 out of 5 stars
November 11, 2019 by Robyn

Whilst the book was written well, more information than necessary bloated it and it became frustrating. The ending decided I would read no more.

2.0 out of 5 stars
June 20, 2019 by Keith Trullinger

This was one of the few books that I abandoned part-way through it. The author seemed to have political axes to grind at the expense of the story. Life is too short to waste my time on this.

2.0 out of 5 stars
Huge disappointment
June 20, 2019 by Anjin

Way too much political preaching. Also, uses the trick of not finishing the story so you have to buy the next one.

2.0 out of 5 stars
I lost patience
April 23, 2019 by britsmak

This was one of the few stories that I just lost patience with and finally deleted early. There seemed to be no real progress with the story.

★★ 2.0 out of 5 stars
Physiological mystery
Reviewed in Canada
April 20, 2019 by FJM

Far too much physiology for me. I can't believe that real people spend as much time analyzing life as these characters. Ending is a disappointment fo whodunnit readers.

2.0 out of 5 stars
Terrible Ending
April 10, 2019 by MiMi 2 Three

The ending of this book ruined the whole thing for me. I don't like books that end when you're just left hanging.

2.0 out of 5 stars
This drags along forever
April 10, 2019 by Les Parrett

You can skip most of the pages, nothing much happens after the first few pages, until the end. Yet even then you will be way ahead of the write.

2.0 out of 5 stars
Too wordy
April 7, 2019 by Wilma Stern

Too much detail about characters before getting to actually solving the murders.

2.0 out of 5 stars
Too much description
March 21, 2019 by Sharon

There was so much wordy description all along. I figured who called for the murders probably half way through the book. For a murder mystery this didn't get close to being a mystery until 75% into the story.

2.0 out of 5 stars
March 19, 2018 by J Earl

I read Shattered Triangle by William Messenger some time ago and forgot to post a review, so this will be my recollection combined with a minimal amount of notes I took. While I gave it a middle of the road ratings you easily, for me, have been lower.

I generally don't mind background in a stores, I am not one of those who must always have action and violence the entire way through a novel. This, however, even considering the background serves as the background for a series (trilogy?), was too detailed. The information given could have been given far more efficiently and effectively,.

Once the procedural started it still did not compel me to make time to read ii. If how a book stays in your memory serves a a good indication, and it usually, does, I remember just wanting to get through it. No more and mo less. Unless a novel is just terrible, which this one was not, I want to give the books a chance all the way to the end. I will stop short saying I regret finishing it, there were moments of interest, but between questionable characterization some implausible events and what appears to have been social/political statements from the author disguised an opinions of the characters, I was so happy to be e=able never have to open it again. Needless to say I won't be reading the other volumes.

I usually have some idea what types of people would like a book, but I can't seem to think of any easily definable group. Not readers of a specific genre or author, not readers who like character-driven novels ( I am one of those and there was too much
fluff for me). There will be plenty who like this book, but I simply can't recommend it to any particular group or sub-group If you like games of chance then you might want to a chance on this one. I did and was disappointed.

2.0 out of 5 stars
March 10, 2019 by Amazon Customer

Too much narrative before getting to the story. Almost didn't finish reading, knew who planned the murders way before the end.

2.0 out of 5 stars
March 8, 2019 by William Huesmann

…the writing was reasonably well done. That said, what this story morphed into was a long winded diatribe on politics and the demonization of those to the right of the political spectrum and the righteousness of those to the left. It's a shame really—I think the author has talent with words. I enjoy a whodunit well written; and I can tune in 24-hour infotainment channels for political diatribe. Suggest the good Father remember the audience and save political views for something a bit more honest in its purpose to THAT subject. Oh…and I was raised Catholic should that argument arise.

2.0 out of 5 stars
I wasn't expecting a political polemic
March 2, 2019 by Homeowner

As far a mysteries go, this book could have been considerably condensed. The author didn't really start delving into the crime until after 57% of the book. A lot of content was devoted to the author's political views. Even if those views hadn't been myopic in characterizing all Republicans as amoral, uncaring and greedy, it would not matter, if I really wanted to read a mystery, not a political diatribe.

★★ 2.0 out of 5 stars
Very mediocre
Reviewed in Canada
March 1, 2019 by pierre montpetit

All that reading for a weak improbable ending, plus had to put up with author's never ending musings about human nature and how this world works instead of just letting story and characters speak for themselves. Preachy and condescending.

2.0 out of 5 stars
Too long
February 28, 2019 by Carolyn Gardner

I felt like I was reading a history book instead of a novel. The ending made me wish I had not even read the book.

2.0 out of 5 stars
Sorry for Shattered Triangle
march 15, 2017 by MJBrown

I continued to read this book, even though it took too long to get to the heart of the story. In my opinion, the characters were less than truthful, and the story itself a little contrived. I doubt I will continue on to no. 2, it just wasn't that enjoyable for me to read.

2.0 out of 5 stars
July 24, 2016 by Pat Ryall

This had the potential to be a good book, but the words got in the way. First, the author spent too much time on character study that revealed little but happenings. None of the characters were given a reason to be liked. Then, the author introduced the worst thing in a book in my opinion….foul language for the sake of being "real". I skipped through to the end only because I wanted to know how the story was resolved. I was disappointed even in that.


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